Monday, 13 June 2011

“Maailma parimad rabarbrimuffinid” martsipaniga / "The World's Best Rhubarb Muffins" with Marzipan


Lugesin, et nii paljulubavat pealkirja lugedes ei teki eestlastel soov retsepti mitte maitse pärast järgi proovida, vaid selleks et tõestada, et tegelikult ei ole need sugugi parimad muffinid. Minu puhul küll nii ei olnud, mõtlesin pigem, et kui on maailma parimad, siis peab ju järgi proovima, sest millestki nii heast ei saa ju ilma jääda. Kuna ma pole oma elus väga palju rabarbrimuffineid saanud, siis ei osanud millegagi võrrelda, head olid nad aga küll, seest mõnusalt mahlased, kuid mitte liiga magusad.


As I read, most Estonians wouldn't try out a recipe with a name like this for the taste but to prove the author wrong, that no these are not the best after all. Indeed, a name like this is quite provocative but I made them to try out the best of the best as you wouldn't want to miss something like this. I haven't had many rhubarb muffins in my life so I didn't have anything to compare them to even though they were yummy, moist and not to sweet.

Retsepti leidsin Tassikeses ringi hulkudes, sealt sain ka inspiratsiooni piltide jaoks.

Erinevalt Marjust kuulub kaneel minu igapäevamenüüsse ja, nagu alati, panin ma seda kaks korda rohkem (nami-namis märgitud kogusest, kust algretsept pärit on). Veel on minu uus avastus asendada osa võist õunapüreega, sest kvaliteet ei kannata, kuid kalorid kahanevad. Ja tulemus on täpselt samasugune, kui mitte veelgi pehmem küpsetis. Seega panin 25 grammi võid ja teise 25 grammi suhkruvaba õunapüreed.

Vaja läheb (12 muffini jaoks):
25 g võid
2,5 dl nisujahu
1 tl küpsetuspulbrit
2 tl vanillisuhkrut
2 tl jahvatatud kaneeli
100 g martsipan
150 g paksemat hapukoort
2 muna
1,5 dl suhkrut
25 g suhkruvaba õunapüreed
300 g tükeldatud rabarberit (u 4-5 keskmist vart)

Sulata või ja sega kuivained (v.a suhkur) omavahel, riivi nende sekka ka martsipan. Vahusta munad suhkruga ning sega munavahu hulka vaheldumisi hapukoor, jahtunud sulavõi, õunapüree ja kuivained. Viimasena lisa rabarbritükid. Jaota tainas paberümbristega voodertatud vormidesse, pannes vormid ääreni täis. Küpseta 225kraadises ahjus umbes 15-18 minutit. Kui soovi on, kaunista jahtunud muffinid tuhksuhkru või vahukooremütsikesega.

I found the recipe from Tassike, an Estonian food blog, but the pictures are worth a look even if you can't understand anything. That's where I got inspiration for mine.

I doubled the amount of cinnamon as it's my favourite spice. My new discovery is to use apple sauce instead of some of the butter/oil as the quality doesn't decrease but the calories do. And the result is exactly the same as without, except sometimes a little moister. Therefore, I used 25 grams of butter and another 25 grams of sugar free apple sauce.

You'll need (for 12 muffins):
25 g butter
2,5 dl all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
100 g marzipan
150 g thick sour cream
2 eggs
1,5 dl sugar
25 g sugar free apple sauce
300 g peeled and chopped rhubarb (approximately 4-5 medium-sized stalks)

Melt the butter. Whisk the flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Grate the marzipan into the flour mixture. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and one by one stir in the sour cream, melted butter, apple sauce and flour mixture. Last, add the rhubarb pieces. Divide the batter between 12 lined muffin tins, filling them to the top. Bake at 225 degrees for about 15-18 minutes. You may decorate them with some whipped cream or confectioners sugar when cooled.

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