Thursday, 28 July 2011

Maasika toorjuustukoogid iirisega / Strawberry Cheesecakes with Toffee

Vabaduse väljaku servas asuvas kohvik-restoran-lounge'is Mosaiik pakutakse suussulavat laimi toorjuustukooki just sellistes purkides. Kui kaval! Ja nunnu! Kohe kui ma neid nägin teadsin, et ka mina pean sellised endale soetama. Need 200 ml purgid on ideaalsed üheinimseportsud ja kui kook söödud, saab nendes ju kõiksuguseid kuivaineid eksponeerida.

Nendel väikestel purgikestel on ka see eelis, et neisse saab teha kõiki želatiini nõudvaid kooke, ilma seda kasutamata. Võibolla ei ole see kõigi jaoks nii oluline, kuid peale seda, kui ma teada sain, kuidas želatiini saadakse, ei ole olnud tahtmist seda kasutada. Veel saab nendes purkides kooke lihtsalt säilitada ja piknikule või külla mugavalt kaasa võtta.

Maitsest ka. Iirisesed küpsised olid nii head, et nende kogus vähenes kookide meisterdamise ajal märgatavalt. Kindlasti teen nii mõnelegi teisele koogile sellise põhja. Kook oli mõnusalt kreemine, kuigi mina ootasin midagi enamat. Kõigile teistele meeldis aga väga, väikevend käib ja nurub, et ma sinna purgi sisse veel kooki teeksin :)

Vaja läheb:
5 x 200 ml purke või klaase

70 g pehmeid iiriseid
3 spl piima
umbes 100 g muredaid küpsiseid
150 ml rõõska koort (35%)
250 g toorjuustu (tunnistan, et kasutasin lahjat)
5 spl tuhksuhkrut
1/2 spl vanillisuhkrut
umbes 250 g maasikaid

Sulata iirised potis pidevalt segades piimaga. Purusta küpsised ja sega 2/3 iirisekastmega. Vahusta koor, lisa sellele toorjuust ning suhkrud, sega. Lõika maasikad tükkideks. Aseta klaasidesse või purkidesse vaheldumisi küpsisepuru, toorjuustukreem ning maasikad. Kõige peale nirista iirisekastet (kui viimane on selle aja peale ära hangunud, siis sulata see sörtsu piimaga jälle üles). Serveeri hapude marjadega.

Inspiratsioon: juuni 2011 Oma Maitse, mis kadus mul ära, seega võtsin retsepti Kokkamine blogist.

There is a cafe-restaurant-lounge in the center of Tallinn called Mosaiik. There they serve a delicious lime cheesecake in cute jars like these and the moment I saw them I knew I had to purchase them. They are so cute! As well as practical, as 200 ml is just the right amount of cheesecake for one. Meanwhile, when these jars are not filled with cake (don't worry they wont be for long) you can use them to store and exhibit various seeds and nuts.

Another positive thing about these jars is that you can make all the cheesecakes that require gelatin without using the stuff. Maybe this is not as important to everyone as it is to me, but after I found out where gelatin comes from I have tried to ignore it. And well, I haven't bothered looking into agar-agar.

This is enough reasons to buy these jars, right? Convinced myself at least. I bought mine from Prisma in Kristiine keskus in Tallinn.

Oh, about the strawberries. Do try to get real stuff, the Spanish ones are nothing compared to home grown ones. About the cakes too. The fudgy biscuits were so good, they passed the "quality test" with major casualties. I am definitely going to use that idea for other cheesecakes too. The cream cheese layer was nice and creamy, although I expected something a little more spectacular from the cake. But everyone else loved them and now my little brother keeps asking for cake in "those jars".

You'll need:
5 x 200 ml jars or glasses

70 g soft plain toffee or fudge (cut into cubes)
3 tbsp milk
about 100 g biscuits (such as Digestives)
150 ml double cream (35%)
250 g cream cheese (I confess, I used light)
5 tbsp confectioner's sugar
1/2 tbsp vanilla sugar
about 250 g strawberries

Stirring vigorously, melt the fudge with milk on medium-high heat. Crush the biscuits and mix with 2/3 of the melted fudge. Whisk the double cream and integrate with the cream cheese and sugars. Cut the strawberries into pieces. Layer the biscuits, cream cheese and strawberries one after another in the jars. Top with the remaining melted fudge. If it has solidified by that time, just add a tablespoonful of milk and melt it. Serve with sour berries.

Inspired by June 2011 Oma Maitse that I lost, so I took the recipe from here.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Pestoga sarvesaiad / Pesto Croissants

Kergetele ja tervislikele saiadele lisab vunki nõgesepesto, mille võib ka asendada mõne muu meelepärasega. Sobivad ideaalselt nii supi kui ka salati kõrvale või tomati ja mozzarellaga hommikusöögiks.

Vaja läheb:
100 g nisujahu
140 g täistera rukkijahu
100 g riivitud juustu (kasutasin lahjat)
2 tl küpsetuspulbrit
0,5 tl meresoola
50 g pehmet võid
200 g hapukoort

100 g riivjuustu
paar kuhjaga supilusikatäit pestot


Sega jahud, riivjuust, küpsetuspulber ning meresool. Näpi juurde pehme või, lisa hapukoor ja sega ühtlaseks. Rulli tainas kergelt jahusel pinnal õhukeseks rattaks, määri peale nii palju pestot, et tainas oleks ühtlaselt heleroheline. Lõika ketas kaheteistkümneks sektoriks ja riputa peale riivjuust nii, et seda oleks rohkem sektorite laiemas osas. Suru juust õrnalt taina sisse. Keera sektorid rulli, alustades laiemast otsast. Tõsta saiad küpsetuspaberiga keatud ahjuplaadile ning määri üle pestoga. Riputa peale ka köömneid. Küpseta 225 kraadi juures umbes 20 minutit.

Aet märgib oma blogis, et Tupperware rullimisaluse keskel olev ring on just nii suur kui see tainas tuleks rullida.

Allikas: Aet köögis, mugandatud.

Kõik peale viimase pildi tegi Kleer.

Stinging nettle pesto gives these healthy croissants a twist but any pesto will do. They are great with light salads and soups or with tomato and mozzarella for breakfast. The whole grain rye flour can be substituted for all-purpose or whole wheat flour.

You'll need:
100 g all-purpose flour
140 g whole grain rye flour
100 g grated cheese (I used light)
2 tsp baking powder
0,5 tsp (sea) salt
50 g butter, at room temp
200 g sour cream or 10-20% crème fraiche

100 g grated cheese
a few tablespoonfuls of pesto

cumin seeds

Sift together the flours, grated cheese, baking powder and salt. With your fingers rub in the soft butter and stir in the sour cream or crème fraiche until combined. Roll the dough out into a thin circle, brush with some pesto to get an even light-green pastry. Cut the pastry into 12 sectors and cover with the cheese. Make sure to place more grated cheese on the wider edges of the sectors than the rest. Gently press some of the cheese into the pastry and, starting from the wider edges, roll the sectors into rolls. Place the croissants on a prepared baking sheet and brush with pesto, top with some cumin seeds. Bake at 225 for about 20 minutes.

Modified from Aet köögis.

All but the last picture were taken by Kleer.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Rabarbrikook kondenspiima ja beseekattega / Rhubarb Cake with Condensed Milk and Meringue

Jah, ma tean, rabarbrihooaeg on juba ammu kinni kuulutatud. Mina aga sain paar nädalat tagasi naabrinaiselt suure posu rabarbrit, mis vajas ära tegemist. Ei raatsinud kõike kiiruga moosiks ega kisselliks teha, panin muist külma, kindla plaaniga see võimalikult kiiresti ära teha. Ei, talveks ei raatsi jätta.

Selle koogi retsept jäi mul kohe alguses silma, leppisin iseendaga kokku, et seda peab veel enne rabarbrihooaja lõppu proovima. Kel viimane rabarber juba ammu sügavkülmas, sel soovitan see retsept kõrva taha, või siis bookmarks'idesse, panna, et talvel hinnalist kraami just selle koogi jaoks kasutada, sest see on seda väärt.

Retsept on Siit nurgast ja sealt nurgast. Vaid kliki kaugusel, seega ei hakka seda siia ümber kirjutama ega kleepima. Küll aga lisan, et poole ehk 1.5 dl põhja jahust panin täisteranisujahu ja teen seda kindlasti ka järgmine kord. Siis panen põhja veidi vähem võid, arvatavasti vähendan ka suhkru kogust. Täidis küpses mul küll kauem kui 30 minutit, siis oli ta veel vedel ja oleks vormist välja võttes laiali valgunud. Küpsetasin seda kuni tahke ehk 45 minutit.

I am fully aware that the rhubarb season is over or ending, in Europe at least. A few weeks ago, however, my neighbour, who had plenty in her garden, and probably still does, gave me a generous bunch of stalks. I was overwhelmed, because the new mower guy had not even noticed our rhubarb bush and ran over them all. Well, you can't blame him, as the grass was so high at the countryside, he couldn't even tell something had been planted there. So that was that with my rhubarb. With a few recipes in mind, I didn't want to turn what had been given by my neighbour into jam, so I froze it.

This recipe caught my eye the first time I saw it and I promised myself I would try it out this rhubarb season. Those who have already frozen the last of their rhubarb should keep this recipe in mind or in their bookmarks and use the precious stuff during winter for this cake, as it's really worth it. The condensed milk layer was exceptionally delicious :)

The recipe is from this Estonian food blog. She does actually have two recipes in English too, both hits.

This cake is for a bigger springform or pan, half the size of a baking sheet. I made it in a 24 cm springform and had some batter left over that I used to make 3 individual cakes in muffin tins. The end result was quite sweet, so next time I will probably reduce the amount of sugar in the base as well as the butter.

You'll need:

3 dl flour (I used 1.5 dl whole wheat - worked just fine)
1 tsp baking powder
150 g butter, at room temp
1,5 dl sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg

3 egg yolks
400 g sweetened condensed milk
1 dl sour cream or 10-20% crème fraiche
350-400 g chopped rhubarb

Meringue topping
3 egg whites
1.5 dl sugar

For the base, Integrate the flour and baking powder. Whisk the butter and sugar until light yellow and creamy. Add the salt, egg and flour-baking powder mixture. Spread the batter on a prepared baking sheet or springform. Make sure the edges of your baking sheet are at least 3 cm high to avoid spilling. Bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Take the cake out and reduce the temperature of the oven to 180 degrees C.

For the filling, whisk the egg yolks and mix with the condensed milk and sour cream. Combine with the rhubarb. Pour on top of the base and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. (Mine was still very runny after 30 minutes so I baked it for 45 minutes, until solid but tender). Take the cake out of the oven but leave it on.

For the topping, whisk the egg whites with the sugar until solid. Add the sugar to the egg in three parts during whisking. Spread on top of the cake and bake at 180 derees for another 10 minutes or until the meringue starts turning golden.

Let cool and cut with a wet knife, this way you won't break the meringue.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Läätse-köögiviljapada / Lentil and Vegetable One Pot Meal

Eelmine kord kui ma sellerit ostsin jäi see pärast ühel korral kasutamist juurviljakaussi seisma. Sealt edasi lendas see prügikasti. Ma lihtsalt ei ole harjunud seda sööma ega oska midagi erilist sellerist teha. See kord aga otsisin varakult välja retsepti, kus seda vaja oli. See siin oli esimene, mida nägin, kuid tundus kõikidest hilisematest parem. Tegu on õnnestunud leiuga. Idamaist karripada võib süüa nii paljalt, kui liha ja riisiga. 

Retsept on Pille Endeni raamatust ,,Pajaroad". Mulle jäi ebaselgeks, mida oli mõeldud ,,karri" all, kas pulbrit või pastat. Kasutasin veskis maitseainet, mille peale oli kirjutud ,,Curry mühle", see sisaldas safranit, koriandrit, sinepiseemneid, köömneid ja ingverit ning fenugreek'i, mille nime ma eesti keeles tuvastada ei suutnud. Panin seda umbes 2 supilusikatäit.

Vaja läheb (neljale):
2 sibulat
2 küüslauguküünt
3 porgandit
3 sellerivart
1 sl õli
3 sl karrit
6 dl köögiviljapuljongit
1 purk ehk 400 g purustatud tomateid
2 dl punaseid läätsi
1 sidruni mahl
soola ja musta pipart

Koori ja haki sibulad ning küüslauguküüned. Koori porgandid ja lõika kuubikuteks. Viiluta sellerivarred. Kuumuta potis õli. Lisa sibulad ja küüslauk ning kuumuta paar minutit. Lisa porgandid, seller ja karri ning sega läbi. Vala hulka puljong, purustatud tomatid ja läätsed ning lase keema. Hauta nõrgal kuumusel aeg-ajalt segades kaane all 20-25 minutit. Maitsesta sidrunimahla, soola ja pipraga.


The last time I bought celery, I used it once in a recipe that called for it and then it just stood/waited on the counter until it was time to throw it away. I am not used to eating celery, I admit, and I don't know many things you can make out of it. This time, recalling the memories of what had happened with the previous celery, I looked up a recipe to save it. This was the first one I found but it seemed to beat all the ones that came after. And the result was surprisingly good. The slightly Far Eastern dish can be eaten all by itself or with rice and meat.

I am not exactly sure what is meant by "curry", whether it's powder, paste or some other from of the spice mix. I used about two tablespoonfuls of a spice mixture that had "curry mühle" written on and contained turmeric, fenugreek, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, cumin and ginger.

You'll need (serves 4):
2 onions
2 gloves of garlic
3 carrots
3 celery stalks
1 tbsp oil
3 tbsp curry
6 dl vegetable stock
1 can ergo 400 g tomato purée
2 dl red lentils
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper

Peel and chop the onions and garlic. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes. Cut the celery stalks into about 3/4 cm long cubes. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onions and garlic and heat for a few minutes. Add the carrots, celery and curry, stir. Pour the vegetable stock, tomato purée and lentils 
on the vegetables. Bring to boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Season with lemon juice and some salt and pepper.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Kiire keefiri asendaja / Quick Buttermilk Substitute

Viimati kui ma seemne-puuviljaleiba tegin oli keefir just otsa saanud. Kõik ülejäänud ained olid aga olemas ja poodi eraldi keefiri järgi ei viitsinud minna. Nii otsisingi internetist välja kiire keefiri/petti-asendus retsepti. Leib tuli välja täpselt nagu oleks kasutanud keefirit, seega otsustasin seda toredat nippi jagada. Äkki tuleb kellelegi kasuks.

Kuigi see asendaja sobib ideaalselt küpsetamiseks, ei ole sellel keefirile omast paksu konsistentsi. Seega ei ole asendus-keefir paljalt juues ikka päris see.

Ega siin midagi keerulist pole. Vaja läheb:
pool liitrit piima
2 sl sidrunimahla või äädikat

Vala äädikas või sidrunimahl mõõtenõusse. Lisa piim ja sega läbi. Enne küpsetama asumist lase viis-kümme minutit seista. Kasuta nagu retseptis nõutud. Kuna piim on vedelam kui keefir siis lisa vajadusel veidi rohkem jahu, kui retseptis nõutud.


I hardly have buttermilk at home and the previous time I wanted to make the seed and dried fruit bread I had all the ingredients except buttermilk. I wouldn't be bothered to go to the store just for one thing so I looked up a quick substitution. The bread turned out just like when using buttermilk so I decided to share this "recipe" in case someone ever needs a quick substitute.

Even though an excellent replacement for baking, this buttermilk is not exactly the same for drinking as it's more liquidly.

Nothing difficult, you only need:
half a liter of milk
two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice or vinegar

Pour the lemon juice or vinegar into a measuring cup and add the milk. Stir. Before baking let stand for five to ten minutes. Use just like buttermilk even though as it's more liquidly you might want to use a few spoonfuls more flour.


Saturday, 2 July 2011

Mustika ja valge šokolaadi muffinid / Blueberry and White Chocolate Muffins

Kõik algas Tassikeses asuvate ,,Maailma parimate rabarbrimuffinitega". Neid oli nii seal kui nami-namis ohtralt kiidetud. Ühes kommentaaris mainis Merit, et tema lemmikmuffinid on küll mustika ja valge šokolaadi omad, kuid kindlasti proovib need ka järgi. Oot-oot-oot, neid mustika ja valge šokolaadi omi olin ma näinud küll. Millegipärast vaatasin neist algul mööda. Lähemal uurimisel selgus, et koostisainete järgi võiksid need muffinid head olla küll. Valget šokolaadi olin kasutanud ka kodu- ja toorjuustuga koogis, mis oli üks õnnestunud leid. Otsustavaks sai aga sidrunikoor, mis eelnevast kogemusest sobis mustikatega ülihästi. Ja nii paningi poenimekirja nii maailma parimate rabarberimuffinite, kui ka mustika ja valge šokolaadi koogikeste koostisained. Nüüdseks olen viimaseid mitu korda teinud.

Ma küll ei taha võistlusmomenti tekitada, kuid mulle meeldisid mustikamuffinid rabarbri omadest rohkem. Aga võibolla ei ole ma õige inimene otsustama, kuna ma olen suhteliselt nadi martsipanisööja.

Muffinid on hästi mahlased ja pehmed, minu omad jäid pealt kergelt krõbedad. Nii tekkis see pehme ja krõmpsu kontrast, millest ma vist kunagi ei väsi. Valge šokolaadi tekstuur muutub tainaga koos mõnusalt siidjaks. Mulle maitsesid muffinid kõige rohkem leigena, sest siis ei olnud šokolaad veel hangunud ja see sulas suus. Ja sidrunikoor ning mustikad on endiselt üllatavalt hea kooslus.

Allikas: Hea toit, parem elu. Nagu seal märgitud, võib mustikad asendada jõhvikatega ja sel juhul sidruni koor apelsini omaga. Siis tasub kasutada ka 200 g šokolaadi.

Vaja läheb (12 tk):
100 g sulavõid
200 ml petti
1 sidruni riivitud koor (soovi korral, aga soovitan soojalt)
250 g jahu
1,5 tl küpsetuspulbrit
noaotsatäis (1/4 tl) soola
noaotsatäis (1/4 tl) söögisoodat
2 suurt muna
150 g peeneteralist suhkrut (caster sugar) (120 g on ka täitsa piisav, eriti kui kasutada kultuurmustikaid)
250 g (külmutatud) mustikaid või jõhvikaid
100-200 g valget šokolaadi, hakitud šokolaadi chippide suurusteks tükkideks

Sega omavahel või, pett ja riivitud sidrunikoor. Tõsta kõrvale. Sega omavahel jahu, küpsetuspulber, sool ja sooda. Mikserda munad ja suhkur kohevaks. Lisa või ja peti segule ning mikserda ühtlaseks. Lisa õrnalt segades jahusegu. Sega tainast nii palju kui vaja, kuid nii vähe kui võimalik. Sega sisse mustikad ja hakitud šokolaad (mina kasutasin 100 g). Kui kasutad külmutatud mustikaid, siis ära neid enne tainale lisamist sulata. Täida pabervormidega vooderdatud muffinivormid tainaga ja küpseta 190 kraadises ahjus 20-25 minutit kuni muffinid on pealt kuldsed.

On the site where I found the recipe for "the World's Best Rhubarb Muffins" I also found a link to these. I had seen the recipe before but not given it much thought. At a second inspection at the ingredients I decided to try them out. I had used white chocolate in a cottage and cream cheese cake and that had turned out a success. And I knew from before that lemon peel and blueberries work really well together.

As I expected, these were delicious, moist and soft. Mine were slightly crispy on top, which gave them the soft and crunchy contrast, something I don't seem to grow tired of. The white chocolate is alluring, combined with the batter, it turns the texture almost silky. I personally liked the muffins best when they were still a little warm as the white chocolate hadn't solidified yet.

Source: Hea toit, parem elu. As suggested there, these can also be made with cranberries. In that case substitute the lemon peel for orange peel and use 200 g of white chocolate.

You'll need (for 12):
100 g melted butter
200 ml buttermilk
peel of one lemon (optional, but I strongly recommend)
250 g all-purpose flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
150 g caster sugar (120 g was fine too, perhaps even better if using sweet blueberries)
250 g (frozen) blueberries or cranberries
100-200 g white chocolate, chopped into chocolate chip size pieces

Incorporate the butter, buttermilk and lemon peel. In a separate bowl whisk the flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda. In another separate bowl whisk the eggs and sugar. Add the egg mixture to the buttermilk one and whisk. Gently stir in the flour mixture, just until combined. Stir in the blueberries and white chocolate (I used 100 g). If you are using frozen berries, don't melt them before, as they'll colour the batter blue. Divide the batter between 12 lined muffin tins and bake at 190 degrees C for 20-25 minutes until the muffins are golden brown.

Source: Hea toit, parem elu.