Advanced ehk "edasijõudnute" inglise keele klassis on meil tore traditsioon pakkuda ige reede, korda-mööda, erinevaid maiustusi. Ja just enne USAsse sõitu oli minu kord. Kuna meid on päris palju siis otsustasin minna mööda lihtsat, läbiproovitud teed ja teha mustikamuffineid.
We have a lovely tradition in advanced English to take turns in bringing something to snack for the whole class every Friday. And before I left for the states it was my turn to bake something. Muffins are super easy to make, especially when you have a whole bunch of people, so I took the easy route and chose a recipe I had tried out numerous times.
From the taste of these muffins one could never tell they contain lemon peel, but that is exactly what gives them the fresh taste one wont find in all blueberry muffins. Probably thanks to that these are the best ones I have had so far.
Õpime teiste vigadest ehk nagu pildi pealt näha, muutub tainas siniseks (või siis roheliseks), kui kasutada sulanud või värskeid mustikaid. Seega soovitan kasutada külmutatuid ja need otse sügavkülmast tainasse valada.
Glasuuri ei ole mina neile kunagi teinud, mille üheks põhjuseks on see, et siin ei müüda sellist imeasja nagu sidrunimaitseline tuhksuhkur.
Kaheteistkümne muffini jaoks läheb vaja:
5 dl nisujahu
4 tl küpsetuspulbrit
2 dl suhkrut
75 grammi võid
1 muna
2.5 dl piima
2.5 dl mustikaid
1 sidruni riivitud koor
1 dl sidrunimaitselist tuhksuhkrut
1 tl vett
Pane ahi 200 kraadi peale sooja. Sega jahu, küpsetuspulber ja suhkur. Vispelda kokku sulatatud või, muna, piim ja sidrunilt riivitud koor. Sega munavaht jahusegu hulka, püüa segada võimalikult vähe, kuna ülesegades ei pruugi nad piisavalt kerkida. Lõpuks sega ettevaatlikult hulka ka mustikad nii, et need ei annaks värvi. Tõsta tainas paberivormidega kaetud muffinipanni pesadesse ja küpseta 15 minutit. Puista üle tuhksuhkruga ja serveeri kohe, sest soojalt on nad parimad. Glasuuri tegemiseks sega ained kokku ja nirista jahtunud muffinitele.
Allikas: Lia Virkuse "Muffinid 2".
The dough is likely to turn all blue, as happened to mine, especially when using fresh or melted blueberries. This is why it's best to pour them in the batter straight from the fridge.

5 dl of all-purpose flour
4 tsp of baking powder
2 dl of sugar
75 grams of melted, cooled butter
1 egg
2.5 dl of milk
2.5 dl of blueberries
zest of one lemon
Glase (which I didn't make):
1 dl lemon tasting confectioner's sugar (could be substituted for regular confectioner's sugar and some lemon peel)
1 tsp of water
Turn the oven to 200 degrees. Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar. Whisk the melted butter, egg, milk and zest. Integrate the two mixtures, try to stir as little as possible as over-stirring can toughen the muffin. Gently combine with the blueberries, so they wont colour to the batter. Place the batter into lined muffin pans. Bake for 15 minutes. They taste the best straight from the oven but for the glaze they need to be cooled - mix the ingredients and pour on top of the muffins.
From an Estonian cookbook by Lia Virkus called "Muffinid 2".
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